105 Things To Be Thankful For By Practicing The Gratitude Exercise.

You may have not been doing it quite often, but gratitude should be incorporated into your every day life. Other than making you feel good , you will also have a change in your way of living as you will have more of what your feeling thankful for. Most people take life for granted and you can’t blame them since life can get so busy.

Regardless, you should get time out of your busy schedule and make a list of all things you’re thankful and grateful for in order to see how much life has been good to you. 

Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.

Zig Ziglar

Let's Go Through 110 Things To Be Thankful For Today

1. Your friends and family.

2. A home cooked meal

3. The roof over your head

4. Your health and well being

5. Ability to see

6. Ability to hear

7. Ability to speak

8. A home cooked meal

9. The surprises you’ve received so far

10. Having a home and a job

11. The sunrises and sunsets

12. For the new day and new beginnings

13. The internet

14. Hot showers

15. The car you drive

16. Your favorite song

17. Receiving good news

18. Modern medicine

19. The cuddles you get

20. Pets and animals

21. The opportunity to access education

22. Food on the table

23. Cups of tea

24. Having  a holiday

25. The rainbows

26. The clouds in the sky

27. The clothes you wear

28. The shoes you wear

29. The bed you sleep on

30. Cameras to capture beautiful moments

31. Good hair days

32. Being able to look forward to something

33. Unconditional love

34. Being able to travel the world

35. Fresh running water

36. Getting something on sale or for free 

37. Finding something you had lost

38. Your favourite Tv show, movie or book

39. Dancing 

40. Good night kisses

41. Good morning kisses

42. Food delivery

43. Online shopping

44. The air you breathe

45. Technology

46. The weather

47. Nature

48. Your imagination

49. Laughter

50. Walks in the country side

51. Cancer treatments

52. Winning a game

53. Having ice cream

54. The alarm clock

55. Date nights

56. Sleep

57. Waking up alive

58. Payday

59. Kindness from strangers

60. Learning from your mistakes

I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.

Gilbert K. Chesterton

61. Amazing co-workers

62. The weekend

63. Having a future with someone

64. Having time for yourself

65. Access to medication

66. Human rights

67. You’re one of a kind in the world

68. Having a deep conversation with someone

69. The changing seasons

70. Creating your family

71. Holidays like Christmas and Easter

72. Comfortable clothes

73. Having a passion

74. Expressing emotions

75. Catching up with friends

76. A nice bubble bath

77. The snow days

78. Dining at fine restaurants

79. Fresh bed sheets, duvets and pillows

80. The telephone that enables to communicate all over the world

When a person doesn't have gratitude, something is missing in his or her humanity

Ellie Wiesel

81. Old memories

82. Old photos

83. People bringing out the best in you

84. Ability to drive

85. Long drives

86. Your senses

87. Who you are

88. Ability to see colors

89. Good neighbors

90. Being able to set your goals

91. Being able to achieve your goals

92. Open minded people

93. Bad times that make you appreciate good times.

94. Ability to help others

95. Sincere apologies

96. Respect

97. Sunday mornings

98. Generosity of others

99. Good hair days

100. Blissful relationships

101. Nice scent colognes

102. Nice shoes

103. Nice kitchen appliances

104. Ability to pay bills

105. Ability to meet your needs